Graphic element with blue to violet gradient shape
Graphic element with blue to violet gradient shape
Graphic element with blue to violet gradient shape


Built AI data enrichment and analysis


Built AI data enrichment and analysis


Built AI data enrichment

and analysis

Smart Systems For Smarter Operations

Smart Systems For Smarter Operations

Smart Systems For Smarter Operations

Step into a new era of operations modernisation. Using automation and AI to empower your business, ensuring that every process optimised is a step towards greater productivity and scalability.

Step into a new era of operations modernisation. Using automation and AI to empower your business, ensuring that every process optimised is a step towards greater productivity and scalability.

Step into a new era of operations modernisation. Using automation and AI to empower your business, ensuring that every process optimised is a step towards greater productivity and scalability.

Secure your spot now

We have limited client engagements available yearly. Secure a spot early and we will be in touch!

By subscribing, you agree with our Terms of License

Secure your spot now

We have limited client engagements available yearly. Secure a spot early and we will be in touch!

By subscribing, you agree with our Terms of License

Secure your spot now

We have limited client engagements available yearly. Secure a spot early and we will be in touch!

By subscribing, you agree with our Terms of License

Integrating our solutions with:

Goodbye to wasted time and resources.

Goodbye to wasted

time and resources.

Say farewell to the complexities of the past and unlock a smoother path to success. Welcome to a new era of automated simplicity and efficiency.

Say farewell to the complexities of the past and unlock a smoother path to success. Welcome to a new era of automated simplicity and efficiency.

Optimise your daily operations

Our solutions will simplify your complex business processes, helping you efficiently manage tasks, projects, and resources.

Reduce managerial load and headaches

Minimise the complexity and stress of managing an expanding team. Our solutions take over repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on what matters.

Scale with automated systems

Our solutions are designed to grow alongside your business, adapting to your evolving needs. Scale your startup with confidence.


The Automation Blueprint

The Automation Blueprint

Our scalable automation framework for our agencies clients that saves them money and minimise time wasted.

Our scalable automation framework for our agencies clients that saves them money and minimise time wasted.

Discovery & Analysis

Laying a solid foundation, where we gain a deep understanding of your unique challenges and opportunities.






















// Protocol

start security-1, { Schema } from 'propellent'

// Efficiency

apply rel group = 'Develop'|

// Shield

debug platform = rep Schema({

start: {

variant: String,

required: true


description: {

type: String


}, {timestamps: true})

// Model

export default untitled.model(collection, schema, collection)

Solution Crafting & Implementation

With a clear understanding of your needs, we move to the heart of our process: crafting and implementing tailored automation solutions.

Optimisation & Scaling

The final phase focuses on refining these solutions and preparing your agency for scalable growth.

And many more

And many more

And many more

AI-powered Agents

AI-powered Agents

Custom-trained AI agents who work 24/7 for you

Custom-trained AI agents who work 24/7 for you

Automated Content Creation

Automated creation of articles, reports and social media posts

Automated creation of articles, reports and social media posts

AI-powered chatbots

Custom chatbots trained on your data

Custom chatbots trained on your data

Intuitive Task Management

Assign tasks, set priorities, and track progress effortlessly

Advanced Data Analytics

Visualise trends and monitor key performances

Tools integrations

Visualise trends and monitor key performances


You can bet on it
You can bet on it


ROI from Automations*


Human Hours Saved*


Custom AI Agents Deployed

Custom AI Agents Deployed

Custom AI Agents Deployed

Real Feedback.
Don’t take our word for it.

Real Feedback.
Don’t take our word for it.

Real Feedback.
Don’t take our word for it.

LCLA built us a content generation system that has transformed our processes and allows us to scale without increasing costs!

Darren Urquhart

Founder of Rise Local

LCLA built us a content generation system that has transformed our processes and allows us to scale without increasing costs!

Darren Urquhart

Founder of Rise Local

In just one month, LCLA's automations have not only saved our company 10 hours of manual work, but they’ve also set us on a path of continuous process improvement

Nick Brogden

Founder and CEO of Earned Media

As a fast-growing startup, we needed an efficient way to find skilled professionals from various regions. This AI tool exceeded our expectations."

Nick Brogden

Founder and CEO of Earned Media

"The platform's emphasis on diversity and inclusion impressed me, helping us create a more inclusive workforce."

Majin Bu

Founder of Foster Partners

Ready for operational efficiency?

Find a slot in our calendar and find out what's possible today!


Still not convinced?
We’ve got the answers

Still not convinced?
We’ve got the answers

How quickly can we see results from implementing your automation solutions?

What is the investment required for your automation and AI services?

What sets your automation services apart from other tech solutions providers?

Can your automation solutions scale with my business?

*statistics are estimated and should be considered as indicative only